As usual I started for my walk early morning by around 5.30 A.M and the walking place is on the way to the nearest mountain and people were coming by that time to that road for walking , almost all known faces , both ladies and gents, porfessionals, owners etc., and that place we see all independent big bungalows or big houses, from where if we walk further towards the hill, I was informed by one retired teacher , sometimes wild elephants come and he warned me not to venture that area before 5 o clock morning since it was dark at that time and we could not make out if any wild elephant strayed into that area.
One retired teacher gentlemen brought out a stool on which he plaes flags and pins to fix on the shirts and good amount of choclates to be given to those walkers and passers by. I was greeted by this gentlemen and friends ' Happy Independece Day' and I also greeted them back , and he fixed a small flag on my shirt pocket and gave me choclates.
Ladies were given flags on their palms and reguested to fix either on their sarri or dhuppatta or sweater since my place already has become very cold, that too my area.
Total euphoria of Independence Day feeling among those who were walking or passing by in that area.
Thanks to that gentlemen whose name is Subramanyam Teacher.