Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Questioner: Are emotions rooted in thought?

  Krishnamurti: What are emotions? Emotions are sensations,
aren't they? You see a lovely car, or a beautiful house, a beautiful
woman or man, and the sensory perception awakens the senses.
Then what takes place? Contact, then desire, Now thought comes
in. Can you end there and not let thought come in and take over? I
see a beautiful house, the right proportions, with a lovely lawn, a
nice garden: all the senses are responding because there is great
beauty - it is well kept, orderly, tidy. Why can't you stop there and
not let thought come in and say, "I must have" and all the rest of it?
Then you will see emotions, or sensations, are natural, healthy,
normal. But when thought takes over, then all the mischief begins.
     So to find out for oneself whether it is possible to look at
something with all the senses and end there and not proceed further
- do it! That requires an extraordinary sense of awareness in which
there is no control; no control, therefore no conflict. Just to observe
totally that which is, and all the senses respond and end there.
There is great beauty in that. For after all what is beauty?

Is beauty in the world of reality? Or is it not within the movement
of thought as time? Please follow this carefully because we are
investigating together. I am not laying down the law. I am just
asking myself: does beauty lie within the movement of thought as
time? That is, within the field of reality. There are beautiful
paintings, statues, sculpture, marvellous cathedrals, wonderful
temples. If you have been to India, some of those ancient temples
are really quite extraordinary: they have no time, there has been no
entity as a human being who put them together. And those
marvellous old sculptures from the Egyptians, from the Greeks,
down to the Moderns. That is, is it expression and creation? Does
creation need expression? I am not saying it does, or does not, I am
asking, enquiring. Is beauty, which is both expression outwardly
and the sense of inward feeling of extraordinary elation, that which
comes when there is complete cessation of the "me", with all its
     To enquire what is beauty, we have to go into the question of
what is creation. What is the mind that is creative? Can the mind
that is fragmented, however capable, whatever its gifts, talent, is
such a mind creative? If I live a fragmented life, pursuing my
cravings, my selfishness, my self-centred ambitions, pursuits, my
pain, my struggle - is such a mind (I am asking) creative? - though
it has produced marvellous music, marvellous literature,
architecture and poetry - English and other literature is filled with it.
 A mind that is not whole, can that be creative? Or is creation
only possible when there is total wholeness and therefore no
fragmentation? A mind that is fragmented is not a beautiful mind,
and therefore it is not creative.

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